” Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your Law ”  ( Psalm 119:18 )

Charles Hadden Spurgeon, the 19th century preacher told a story about a woman who said to the painter Joseph Turner while he was painting,”  Why do you put such extravagant colors in your pictures ? I never see anything like them in Nature “.       ” Don’t  you wish you did , Madam “. It was a sufficient answer. He saw them in Nature even if she did not. In a similar way, believers in Christ can see many spiritual truths in Scripture which the unbelievers can not recognize. God’s unfathomable nature and His wonderful plan  — Jesus’death and resurrection and the promise of Salvation are revealed only to those who believe that what God says is true. Those who believe in Christ’s death and resurrection and put their faith in Him, will know all they need to be saved. This knowledge, however can’t be grasped by even the wisest people, unless they accept God’s message. God’s plan, however is still hidden to unbelievers because they either refuse to accept it or choose to ignore it.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can apprehend the truths of the Word of God and appreciate their beauty and significance. We can see wonderful things in Scripture that are completely unnoticed by those who are spiritually blind. The Spirit of God enables the people of God to understand the Word of God. Scriptural insight is available only to those with Spiritual insight.

” Dear Lord, When I wait for You silently and meditate on Your Word,  reveal me the hidden treasures in the Scripture. Lord , open my eyes and illumine me . In  Jesus’Name I pray “.–Amen.

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