” Taste and see that the Lord is good ”  ( Psalm 34:8 )

Linda gave her little daughter Sweety, four jellybeans and told her that was all the candy she was going to receive that day. After practically gulping three candies, Sweety lingered over that last candy. She sucked it, took it out of her mouth, bit a little bit, sucked it, then gnawed at the outer shell. Knowing that it was the last candy, she spent thirty minutes to taste and eat that. Linda observed her little girl with amusement. Sweety learned the value of savoring  – enjoying the taste, texture and the flavor of each bite. When we read in Psalm 34:8, ” Taste and see that the Lord is good “, we can be sure that God expects us to “savor ” His Presence. He allows us to gain intimate and satisfying knowledge of Him. When we meditate on His Word, we will draw out a deeper understanding of who He is. When we digest God’s Word, we will find that not only does it make us stronger in our faith, but its wisdom also sweetens our life. We need to feed ourselves spiritually, just as we do physically. As we taste His goodness and love, He will reveal the distinctive flavor of His creativity, sovereignty, holiness and faithfulness. Our Father would look on with enjoyment as we learn how to enjoy and savor Him. Our great privilege is to enjoy God’s Presence.

” Dear Lord, let me taste Your goodness and savor all that You have done. I draw close to You and praise You, the holy, sovereign and faithful one. In Jesus’Name I pray “.–Amen.

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