SMITH WIGGLESWORTH ( 1859 – 1947 )

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My Name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues … they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well( Mark- 16:17,18)

Smith Wigglesworth , a British evangelist who was known as the Apostle of Faith, had an international evangelistic and healing ministry. He was born in a poor family. As a small child, he worked in the fields pulling turnips and worked in factories to help provide for his family . Wigglesworth married Polly Featherstone who was a preacher with the Salvation Army and he learned to read after he married Polly who taught him to read the Bible. He worked as a plumber and then he started preaching. He delivered God’s message in a convention and fifteen people stayed back for Smith for their healing. When Smith placed his hands upon a man who came with sticks for support, a miracle happened. That man jumped with joy throwing away the sticks and a good number of miracles followed in his ministry. People heard of his healing gift which spread like wild fire. People received healing both in soul and body in England, America, New Zealand, Ceylon, Sweden Switzerland, Norway and California. As he applied oil in his hands and prayed for the sick, they were healed. This great soul-winner and healer never stepped into a school for studies. If God chooses a man, He will work wonders through him. Life of Smith is an example for it. He proclaimed miracles in God’s Name and exalted His Name.

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